Do you often...
Feel so stressed that you’re finding it difficult to sleep at night?
Find your mind is full of worries and won’t switch off?
Feel exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of life?
Would you like to…
Calm your mind, so that you sleep better?
Stop the overthinking and feel at peace in your mind?
Improve your overall wellbeing and appreciation of your life?
Our 8 week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course is designed to help you understand your mind better, in order to improve your emotional and physical wellbeing.
The problem with modern life...
Because we live in such a fast paced world, we’re forever in a ‘doing’ mode of mind – rushing from one thing to another, planning ahead and analysing what’s just happened.
The problem with living in a constant state of ‘doing’ is that we lose connection with our natural ability of simply ‘being’ with whatever is arising for us. This means that we lose connection with what’s happening in the present in our mind, our body and the world around us.
This loss of connection with our natural ‘being’ state means that we often react to whatever life throws at us and we easily get carried away by unhelpful ways of thinking and responding. This can result in us feeling stressed, anxious and low in mood.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a form of meditation and through developing a regular practice, we can reconnect with our natural mode of ‘being’.
We can learn how to be in the present moment and notice the way our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations arise and pass. By learning to sit with our experiences in this way, we learn how to be with difficult mind and mood states, which enables us to respond more wisely to situations in everyday life.
What are the benefits of a mindfulness practice?
Research suggests that developing a mindfulness practice has a multitude of benefits, including:
· A greater ability to relax.
· Improvement in sleep quality.
· Feeling a greater sense of control, even in difficult situations.
· Feeling confident in handling challenging emotions.
· The ability to cope better with chronic pain and long term health conditions.
· Reduced stress, anxiety and low mood.
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course
Our 8 week group course is designed to help you understand your mind better, in order to improve your emotional and physical wellbeing.
During the course, you’ll be introduced to a range of mindfulness meditation practices to support you in managing difficult thoughts, emotions and physical sensations.
Throughout the course, you’ll have the opportunity to reflect on your experiences of the meditation practices and gain further insight from discussions within the group environment.
Course Structure
· 8 classes, lasting up to 2.5 hours, of guided meditation practices and inquiry
· A friendly and supportive group environment in which to learn
· Personalised support from your teacher
· Guided audio meditations for daily home practice
· An accompanying course workbook
If you’re interested in learning more, please contact me either by completing the form below, emailing me at or calling me on 07538 265354